
P2 Focus of a radio station - Unit 14

                         Introduction In this report I will talk about the focus of a radio station of my choice and all the specific details about my chosen radio station and how it functioned. Chosen Station  The radio station I chose to write this report about is the Airport Information Radio, AIR for short. The Airport Information Radio began broadcasting on the 25th June 1990 with live presentation from 5am-11pm 7 days a week. The service reached motorists within 10-12 miles from either London Heathrow or London Gatwick Airport; this means that it was a local station because it only reached people nearby the airports and was not a national radio station that spanned the United Kingdom. However, outside of the live presentation was a pre-recorded service with basic airport information. AIR was distributed by AM with a frequency of 1584 kHz. It did not have a sister station however the Heathrow service was originally a separate operation. Airport Information Radio was owned by Mercu

D2 Audio Visual Promo

 Introduction In this report, I am going to justify the creation process of our audio visual promo as a whole, including the pre-production, production and post-production stages. I will give reasons as to why we took certain approaches and why we made certain decisions and I will compare our audio visual promo to the original concept document. I will include stills of our rushes (recordings from our filming) from the production stage to help visualise why we made certain decisions.  Justify I was tasked to create a video advertising a product of my choice which combined both visuals and audio (audio visual promo) to be released on a medium. The medium me and my group members chose was YouTube due to how it is one of the largest video sharing websites on the internet to this day; a large amount of active users on YouTube are younger generations which is our target audience (Old teenagers to young adults) meaning that it was the perfect medium to release our audio visual promo. This is

M3 Audio Visual Promo

 Introduction  In this report I will identify any improvements I could make to the online edit of the audio visual promo. I will look at the feedback I have received from peers and I will look at the feasibility of making the improvements outlined by my peers. I will discuss whether some of these issues would be easy to improve upon or difficult if I was to do this whole process again.  Feedback This is one of the feedback forms that my team received from one of our peers. Feedback forms are extremely helpful and beneficial to our group because it gives us an external opinion. It is helpful because having an opinion from somebody who had no part in the production of the audio visual promo is likely to outline different issues than us, as they are seeing the audio visual promo for the first time and haven't been a part of the creation process. To add to this, my peers fit into our groups target audience as they are older teens, which means their input is even more valuable to us as

M3 Radio Legal and Ethical Issues - Unit 14

 Introduction In this report I will look into all the possible legal and ethical issues that could arise during the production of my radio show. Furthermore, I will look into the different legal and ethical considerations required so that my radio show complies with regulatory bodies. I will also provide evidence on how I am adhering to the rules set out by the regulatory bodies. Radio Regulators The regulatory body for communication services, including radio, is Ofcom. Ofcom regulate broadband, home phone and mobile services, TV and radio. Ofcom looks after the airwaves used by wireless devices; furthermore they also have online services to help companies have effective systems in place to protect their users from any harm. In general, Ofcom's primary duty is to protect the public from any potential harm via communication services and wireless devices, they work with the Parliament to ensure our safety. To add to this, Ofcom help to ensure the people across the UK are happy with w

D2 - Radio - Unit 14

 Introduction  In this report I will discuss all the details about my fully edited radio show. I will talk about the codes and conventions within my radio show and how these codes are implemented into my radio show. Furthermore, I will analyse the strength and weaknesses of my radio show and discuss what I could improve. I will also include feedback from others as I believe that having an external opinion is vital as they may notice something I didn't.  Codes and Conventions  The codes of radio are speech, music, sound and silence. I have implemented each one of these codes into my radio show. I have carefully considered each code of radio and added each one into my radio show, however some codes are more important than others, meaning I added one code more than another. For example, the most prominent code in my radio show is speech; this is because I believe it to be one of the most vital parts of a radio show. Since my radio is catered towards older people and is about history a

Audio Visual Promo P2

Introduction In this report I will develop concept documents for my audio visual promo. Furthermore, I will explain which medium we are using for our audio visual promo and explain why in detail.  Medium The medium that has been chosen for the audio visual promo is YouTube. YouTube is the most optimal medium to select for our audio visual promo due to how popular and well known the website is. The target audience for our iPhone audio visual promotion is old teenagers and young adults aged 16-26. After careful consideration, it is clear that YouTube is the most effective medium to choose for our target audience, this is because YouTube is an extremely popular website among younger generations and the popularity grows daily. YouTube is often regarded as a 'trendy' platform that produces many of the popular talking points on social media for young generations; this means that the people in our target audiences age range are usually active on the YouTube website and are aware of an

P6 Audio Visual Promo

 Introduction In this report, I will upload the link to the finished audio visual promo along with screenshot evidence of the editing process of the final edit. These screenshots will display what I was editing or changing in Premiere Pro and I will also include a brief description of what I was editing in each screenshot.  Final Video This is the link to our finished video.  Screenshot Evidence 1. This is the first step in creating the final edit for the audio visual promo. Here, I am adding each clip into Premiere Pro, which is the software I am using to create the edit for this video. This is one of the most simple steps of the whole editing process. I added each clip into the software and then I watched through each clip to make sure it was suitable for the final edit. After this, I used the selector tool to move each clip into the the correct order so that the clips play out correctly.  This stage is very similar to the process of creating the offline