P6 Audio Visual Promo


In this report, I will upload the link to the finished audio visual promo along with screenshot evidence of the editing process of the final edit. These screenshots will display what I was editing or changing in Premiere Pro and I will also include a brief description of what I was editing in each screenshot. 

Final Video

This is the link to our finished video. 

Screenshot Evidence

1. This is the first step in creating the final edit for the audio visual promo. Here, I am adding each clip into Premiere Pro, which is the software I am using to create the edit for this video. This is one of the most simple steps of the whole editing process. I added each clip into the software and then I watched through each clip to make sure it was suitable for the final edit. After this, I used the selector tool to move each clip into the the correct order so that the clips play out correctly.  This stage is very similar to the process of creating the offline edit. 

2. After I ordered the clips correctly, I began going through each clip one by one and adding the effects for each clip. My team members and I discussed what effects we should add into our audio visual promo in order to interest out target audience for the iPhone 12. For this clip we wanted to add a slow motion effect; this is to enhance the visuals and make the audio visual promo more fascinating and interesting to watch. The slow motion effect slows down time, meaning the first sight of the iPhone 12 in the promo is dramatic and dragged out, this elucidates the importance of the product and gives the audience more time to look at the new, sleek iPhone 12. Furthermore, our target audience is primarily older teenagers and young adults who generally have less of an attention span compared to the older generations, this means that we need to include intriguing effects like this to keep the viewers watching and entertained. 

3. In this screenshot you can see me experimenting with the speed of the clip and the duration, this is because we had to ensure that the slow motion effect was not too fast or too slow. It took quite a few attempts and experimenting with different speeds until we found the perfect clip speed which was slow enough to create a dramatic effect and showcase the iPhone 12's design without dragging out this clip for too long. 

4. In this screenshot, I am adding a cross dissolve effect between two clips. Applying transitions is a vital part of the editing process as without them, the final video may look unpolished and unfinished and this would make our advert look extremely unprofessional and would deter viewers from wanting to buy the product. We made sure to include different types of transitions throughout the audio visual promo because if we repeated the same one over and over the viewer would get bored of seeing the same transition. A good edit makes use of multiple different effects, transitions and audio. To add to this, Apple is a well renowned and mainstream brand and it is famous for its technological advancements, therefore our advert needs to be up to a standard to live up to the brand's esteemed name.

5. In this screenshot I am applying a visual effect to the audio visual promo. I implemented this effect for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, it gives context to the viewer as the texts on Chloe's phone screen are too small for the viewer to see normally so having the text messages edited onto the screen makes it much more convenient for the viewers to read what they are texting each other. Additionally, it also makes the audio visual more interesting as there are multiple different visual effects throughout the video for the viewers to look at. 

6.  This screenshot shows how the visual effects look after all of the text boxes were added in. I also had to use the text tool to create the text on the text boxes, I had to resize these so that they fit in the box while still being easily readable. To add to this, I also slightly lowered the opacity of the text boxes so that there colours were not too bright in contrast to the white text colour. 

7. I took this screenshot right after implementing the music/soundtrack to the audio visual promo. Music is a very important aspect of the video, as the advert requires both interesting visuals and audio to make it interesting to the viewers. Furthermore, we needed to select a soundtrack that matches our audio visual promo and one that would interest our target audience. After careful consideration and deliberation with my team members, we decided to choose the song Massive by Drake. We deliberately chose this song due to the fact that Drake is an extremely popular mainstream artist, who is specifically famous amongst teenagers and young adults, which is our target audience. This means that by using his music in our audio visual promo, we are able to target a very large audience which is what Apple products tend do to as it is a mainstreamer product. Furthermore, this Drake song is family friendly and does not include any curse words or potentially offensive/harmful language, this is very beneficial to us as it means that using this song will not cause any moral or ethical issues. However, since the song is protected by copyright, we had to contact Drake to ask for permission to use this song to avoid legal issues.  I cut the music at certain parts to spread it across the audio visual promo accordingly, at certain points of the video we wanted it to play and at certain points we didn't. I also had to alter the audio levels of this soundtrack as it was too loud when it was first added into Premiere Pro and drowned out the rest of the sound in the promo.

Furthermore, in this screenshot you can also see the title screen. We added text onto a black screen to introduce the product. The ellipsis used in this text builds excitement as the viewer wants to see what the product is. Also, the modern and technological style font matches with the Apple brand as they are known for their innovative technology and devices; we later changed the colour of the font to white to match the Apple brand as their signature brand colour is white. 

8. In this screenshot I am applying more transitions to the audio visual promo, this time to the end half of the video.  Moreover, I also lowered the audio levels of all our recordings as there was a lot of background noise in each one. We wanted to eradicate the background noise as it is unprofessional and sounded very bad layered with the soundtrack. 

9. Here I am creating the end tag that plays at the very end of our audio visual promo, this showcases the Apple logo. The iconic white Apple logo is all that is needed on this end tag because we believed that it speaks for itself. This part of the audio visual does not require any dramatic visual effects or any music because it is the end sequence and is simply there to showcase the Apple logo and close off the advertisement.

10. Here I am adding an effect to the soundtrack of the video, I am fading it in and out. I did this because part of the audio visual promo the music ends and then starts back up where it left of; this is due to there being dialogue in a certain part of the promo and we did not want the music to get in the way and make the audio sound choppy. I played around with the audio levels to find the perfect volume, and added the fade effect so the audio fades out and back in. 

That is all the steps that we took while editing the audio visual promo during the post-production phase. 


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