M3 Audio Visual Promo


In this report I will identify any improvements I could make to the online edit of the audio visual promo. I will look at the feedback I have received from peers and I will look at the feasibility of making the improvements outlined by my peers. I will discuss whether some of these issues would be easy to improve upon or difficult if I was to do this whole process again. 


This is one of the feedback forms that my team received from one of our peers. Feedback forms are extremely helpful and beneficial to our group because it gives us an external opinion. It is helpful because having an opinion from somebody who had no part in the production of the audio visual promo is likely to outline different issues than us, as they are seeing the audio visual promo for the first time and haven't been a part of the creation process. To add to this, my peers fit into our groups target audience as they are older teens, which means their input is even more valuable to us as it gives us an idea of what our target audience would think of our audio visual promo if we released it publicly. 

The feedback form consists of multiple different types of questions, and our peer answered each one. Firstly, our peer rated the camera work 4 out of 5 stars; generally I am happy with this response due to the fact that this is our first attempt at recording an audio visual promo and we knew that we would not be able to create a completely perfect audio visual promo on the first attempt. However, it is nice to see that the viewer believes that the camera work was still up to a good standard for the majority of the audio visual promo. Furthermore, the viewer rated the audio quality 3 out of 5 stars; although we edited the sound levels of each clip, from the background noise to the soundtrack, in Adobe Premiere Pro and cut out any unnecessary background noise the viewer was still not completely satisfied with the audio, this means that if we were to create another audio visual promo we would spend more time experimenting with sound and ensuring that it is up to standard and high quality. It is useful that our peer outlined this issue as it is one that we would not of noticed on our own accord. This proves how multiple different people can all pick up on different strengths and weaknesses and it is beneficial to have a large group review our media product as we have more opinions who can outline more potential weaknesses of our video. 

Another critique was that there was unsteady camera movement during one sequence in the audio visual promo, this is during the scene where the cameraman follows Chloe and Sophia as they discuss the new iPhone 12. Our group implemented this handheld camera movement on purpose, we believed it provided a more diverse range of camera movement and added a unique aspect to the audio visual promo. However, this viewer disagreed, it is vital that we are aware that the viewer thinks this about the camera movement because it means that not all the viewers will agree with our intention. My team thought that the camera movement was unique and distinctive, but we should of considered that some viewers may take it as unprofessional and unsteady and not everyone will believe it adds more diverse camera movements like we did. This is a prime example of why feedback is so imperative. In the future, if I was to create an audio visual promo again I would spend time considering how the viewers may interpret something compared to how I or my team members interpret something as this interpretation can change what a person thinks about the whole audio visual promo overall. This is a feasible improvement as it is not time consuming, taking into consideration different interpretations won't set me back on the production timeline, therefore it is a very beneficial and easy improvement in the future which has been highlighted to me by a peer thanks to the feedback form. The overall rating that the viewer gave our audio visual promotion was 4 out of 5 stars, I am satisfied with this response as it was our first attempt at creating an audio visual promo and thanks to this feedback form I am more equipped so that next time I can create a audio visual promo worthy of a 5 star rating. All the issues outlined by my peer in this feedback form are feasible and easy to fix, therefore I would be able to improve these aspects in a future attempt. 

This is the second feedback form we received from another peer. This viewer rated the camera quality and the audio quality the exact same as the last peer, this means that it is likely that this is the most accurate rating. If multiple people are thinking the exact same thing during the feedback stage, it means that it is very likely that the people of the public will also think the same thing if the audio visual promo was released. This is especially true due to the fact that our target audience in psychometric profiles is mainstreamers who often have the same ideas and critiques as they are the majority. Therefore, if the most accurate rating for our audio quality is 3/5 stars then there is most definitely room for improvement that my team and I need to consider for the future. Double checking the audio levels of the soundtrack, foley effects and background noise is not a time consuming task meaning that it is feasible for us to do if we were to create another audio visual promo. I believe that this is an improvement we can definitely work towards and resolve in quite a short amount of time in future projects. 

The positive feedback we received from this peer was that they enjoyed the foley sound effect of the Airpod case shutting. In the original recording, the sound of the Airpod case shutting was too quiet due to it being filmed outside, therefore we had to refilm this sound effect in post production (Foley effect) and implement it into Adobe Premier and synced it to the correct time so that the Airpod case snapped shut visually and audibly together. The constructive criticism we received from this peer was that there was background noise in the talking sections. This is similar to the critique we had from the other feedback form because this was another intentional decision. During the post-production stage I went onto the FreeSound website and downloaded a copyright free sound effect of outside ambience to add into this section of the audio visual promo. I did this because Chloe and Sophia were talking outside and it would sound fake and unprofessional if there was no background noise at all. This feedback means that I once again need to consider how different people and audiences are going to interpret something as some will think it makes sense and others won't. However, I could of solved this problem by turning down the audio levels of the outside ambience more, I did turn it down once I implemented it into Adobe Premiere but if viewers still think its too loud, I should of turned it down more and this is valuable feedback to take onboard for a future attempt. Once again, this peer rated the audio visual promo 4/5 which I am glad with as a first attempt at an audio visual promo although I believe there is much for improvement. 


In conclusion, I believe that the feedback we received from our peers is extremely beneficial as it gives us outside opinions on what people think of our audio visual promo and what they believe are the strengths and weaknesses of the audio visual promo. It is fascinating to see how different people pick up on different strengths and weaknesses and how this helps our team be more aware of these issues so we can plan and build against them in the future. It has been outlined to us that our weaknesses is our our viewers interpret different things in our audio visual promo, as some viewers will interpret something negatively which we thought was positive. Additionally, we are now more aware of what our strengths are as the feedback forms state that they like the foley effects and the concept of our promo; nobody mentioned aspects like the transitions or the colours of the promo meaning that they aren't bad but do not stand out enough to be praised. Overall, I do believe the audio visual promo online edit is not perfect and does have room for improvement but I am relieved that the viewers enjoyed the online edit nevertheless. 


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