Audio Visual Promo P3

 Audio Visual Promo P3

Location Recce

Risk Assessment

Call Sheet

This is the call sheet that we produced for our audio visual promo, this is a vital pre-production document because it where we are filming, who is doing what and what equipment or props are needed for the filming. This helps inform everybody involved in the process of what they need and where they need to be so that the filming process goes as smoothly as possible. It is also essential to have our team members contact details so that it is easy to communicate with each other for any necessary reasons. 

Shot Schedule


Legal and Ethical Issues

One legal issue would be copyright, we will ensure that we aren't using copyrighted materials without permission, such as music or videos, as we could   legal consequences. Another issue would be defamation, which is making false statements about someone or someone's brand, which could cause harm to their reputation. It is important for us to mindful of what we say to avoid any legal issues. We will ensure to familiarize our selves with the terms of service and community guidelines to ensure that we use the platform responsibly and legally.

When creating our iPhone advertisement there are a few legal issues that we need to be aware of. One issue would be false advertising. Its important for use to make sure the claims in the advertisement are accurate  and supported by evidence. Misleading consumers with false or exaggerated claims can lead to legal consequences. Another legal issue is copyright infringement. If we used copyrighted materials, without obtaining proper permission or licenses, we could face legal action. Additionally its important to comply with advertising regulations and guidelines set by regulatory bodies to avoid any legal issues.

The ethical issue related to using YouTube as a medium can include privacy concerns. Its important for us to respect the privacy of others and obtain proper permissions when necessary. Another ethical issue is the monetization of the content. Its important to be transparent and honest in creating our content, providing value to our designated audience without resorting to unethical tactics. Additionally there may be concern about the exploitation of venerable individuals or the promotion of harmful behaviors through certain content. It is crucial for us to consider the potential impact of our content on others and act ethically by promoting positive value and responsible behavior.

An ethical issue we have to consider when creating our iPhone advertisement is manipulation tactics to target vulnerable or impressionable audiences. As advertisers we have a responsibility to ensure that our message is honest, transparent and does not exploit or device consumers. This includes avoiding tactics such as false promises, exaggerated claims, or targeting vulnerable populations, such as children or individuals with limited decision-making capacities. Its important for us to prioritize the well being of our audience.

Moral Issues 

Since anyone can post/ upload content onto YouTube, this is always a risk of spreading false or misleading information that can impact viewers beliefs or actions. Its important for us to be responsible and fact-check information before sharing it. There is always the risk of cyber bullying or harassment in the comment section. Its crucial that we promote a positive and respectful online environment and avoid engaging in or encouraging harmful behavior.

When creating our advertisement there could always be the risk of manipulation of consumers desires and creating a sense of false need. Advertisements have the power to influence peoples desires and create a perceived necessity for a product. This can lead to impulsive buying decisions or sense of dissatisfaction if the product does not live up to the expectations set by us as the advertisers. We will be mindful of the impact our messages have on the consumers and how we promote transparency and authenticity in our advertisement efforts.

This links to the Offcomer regulations because it ensures that content on televisions , radio, and online platforms, including advertisements, meet certain standards. Advertisements, including iPhone advertisements, need to adhere to these regulations to ensure ethical practice. Offcomer regulations cover various aspects, such as protecting consumers from misleading or harmful content, ensuring fairness and accuracy in advertising, and preventing the exploitations of regulations, advertisers can maintain ethical standards in our iPhone advertisements and contribute to a responsible and trustworthy advertising environment.


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