In this report I am going to justify my choice of components for my advertising campaign for my energy drink brand 'Lotus'. I will produce print and social media advertisements for my campaign and I will describe why I chose the characteristics of my advertisements to cater towards my target audience, which is females aged 16-30. I will elaborate on why I chose certain aspects for my advertisements and how they are effective.
Social Media Ad

This is my initial draft of the Instagram (social media) advertisement; because this was my first draft it doesn't include any colour or fine detail so I used annotations to portray what colours or details will be present on the finished advert. My advertisement has a graphic of a sun set behind my Lotus can, the reason I chose this graphic for my advert is to convey how healthy and natural the drink is. The sun portrays health because it is light, natural and the majority of people enjoy being in the sun therefore it is the perfect background graphic to elucidate the healthy and natural message while still promoting my drink as flavourful. My target audience is females aged 16-30 who care about fitness or healthy eating and are looking for a healthy alternative to sugary energy drinks like Monster or Rockstar. The reason the can is primarily pink is to cater towards the female demographic as the majority of females like the colour pink and it is even often used to represent the female gender. Furthermore, the logo I designed supports the healthy message my can portrays because it is shaped like a lotus, this also matches with the name of the drink. A lotus is a plant that lives on the water so having this plant at the forefront of my can helps convey the drink as a refreshing and healthy drink as it designed after a natural plant.

This is the second draft of my Instagram (social media) advertisement that I created on Adobe Photoshop. Although this is not the final version, it is an upgrade from the drawn version and provides more details to what the final advertisement looks like. In this draft, I was able to include colours, a basic layout, and a the message I'm trying to portray with my advertisement. This draft does not include my tagline or defined details as that will be implemented in my final design. However, in this design it is clear to see why I chose the colours that I did; the bright purple and pastel orange perfectly portray the scenic sunset to promote a natural atmosphere in my social media advertisement. This helps my product look more desirable to my target audience as they would be interested in this natural looking advertisement instead of artificial and bright advertisements promoting sugary energy drinks like Monster.
The tagline that will be featured in my final advertisement is 'Let your mind bloom'. The reason I chose this as my tagline is because it matches both my brands name, logo, and overall message. My brand name 'Lotus' matches extremely well with my tagline because lotus plants bloom so it gives off the impression that my energy drink will help your mind bloom by giving you the energy from the caffeine. Furthermore, the logo matches as well since my logo is a lotus blooming. This helps solidify my brands image because the logo, tagline and brand name all link together; this will make my target audience believe that my brand is professional and would be more likely to purchase my drink because of this.
I have ensured that my advertisement does not include any legal or ethical issues like copyright, slander, or libel and I am certain that my advertisement draft would not offend anybody and I will ensure that the final advertisement does not include any of the previous mentioned issues either.

This is my updated storyboard for my television advertisement. I created this to provide more insight into what my television advertisement may look like. I want my advertisement to seem simple but still has a unique selling point which will attract customers; that is why I decided that my television advert will be a stop motion ad. The reason I chose to do this is because it creates a unique selling point for my brand which will result in people talking about it and ultimately increasing the amount of people informed about my energy drink 'Lotus'. A distinctive advert like a stop motion advert will attract customers because no other energy drink advertisements are making adverts like this; the majority of energy drink adverts are about promoting the drink as powerful, fast-paced and helps your mind be more efficient. My advert and drink still have these fast-paced aspects however I implemented them into my campaign in a different way to make my advert noteworthy.
This storyboard has colour included in it unlike my first design because this was made digitally and the other was made on paper. The colour on this storyboard enables the storytelling because it helps the viewer understand why I believe the pastel colours help portray a healthy brand. The stop motion advert will include pieces of card, with designs on, behind the can which will slowly move across the screen, leaving space for another card with a different design on to take its space almost like a real life PowerPoint presentation. The advert will begin with a blank piece of card that the can will burst through and will then be replaced with a different piece of card with an attractive background to cater towards my target audience (Females aged 16-30). I believe that a stop motion advertisement like this would interest my chosen target audience because it is a unique and quirky advertisement that has not been explored in the energy drink market, meaning that my brand would be the first to create an advertisement like this. I believe that would interest my target audience because my chosen audience are people who are searching for an energy drink that isn't aggressive or prides itself on being powerful like Monster or Rockstar and is a healthier alternative with a sweeter design to intrigue a young female demographic. Essentially, it is a drink that dares to be different from the other drinks in the same market and I believe my drafts and storyboard help convey this.
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